Chennai: Amidst the bustling Sabarimala pilgrimage season, the Southern Railway has announced the operation of special trains, including the prestigious Vande Bharat, to facilitate the increased passenger influx. The rail authority disclosed the schedule for the Vande Bharat Sabari special train running between Chennai Central and Kottayam, along with the Kacheguda and Kollam Special Fare train.
As per the Southern Railway's social media announcement on X (formerly Twitter), the #VandeBharat Sabari Special #trains will run on the route between Dr MGR #Chennai Central and #Kottayam. The Vande Bharat Special, numbered 06151, will depart from MGR Chennai Central at 4:30 am, reaching Kottayam at 4:15 pm on December 15, 17, 22, and 24.
For the return journey, Train No. 06152 from Kottayam to Dr MGR Chennai Central will depart at 4:40 am on December 16, 18, 23, and 25, arriving at the destination at 5:15 pm on the same day. The train will make stops at designated stations, including Katpadi, Salem, Palakkad, and Aluva during its journey.
Additionally, Train No. 07109 Kacheguda-Kollam is scheduled to depart from Kacheguda (Telangana) at 11:45 pm on December 18 and 25, as well as on January 1, 8, and 15. It will reach Kollam at 5:30 am on the third day of its journey.
For the return journey, Train No. 07110 Kollam-Kacheguda Special Fare Special will depart from Kollam at 10:45 am on December 20 and 27, and January 3, 10, and 17. The train is expected to arrive at Kacheguda at 3:45 pm on the second day of its return journey.
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